Please take a moment to read through some of the frequently asked questions, which we hope you’ll find to be helpful.
Q1: Where can I find working links?
As you know, we constantly update all pages, so that you can be kept up to date with the latest updates. Because some links may expire or not work after a certain period of time, you can bookmark that page.
Q2: What is the reason that there is not a regular gift every day?
Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay, however, this is only because of the delay with the source of the games, not a matter on our end. Every effort is made to keep everything going continuously and regularly, but you can follow the site regularly as the game follows.
Q3: Could you give me an additional award?
We’re sorry, but you shouldn’t ask about this because of course we give out any remuneration once you receive it and not a gift from our side as explained above from the sources, but this is to help you understand the game and not to break the rules or look for other outcomes.
Q4: How can I keep track of the updates that you make?
In order to get updates from that page, you will need to bookmark it.
Q5: Does the game have any hacks?
Please note that we do not support this and strongly condemn the violation of any game’s rules. To avoid a ban and make mistakes, you must strictly adhere to the rules of the game.
Q6: How to collect rewards on your website?
In the video, it shows how you can collect all the gifts that are shown on our page in the following way: